Available on all digital streaming platforms..
Great truths between melodies.
My love will be until eternity and beyond the hereafter.
If life gives me the space in time to say between melodies everything that I find inside, in my being, I will be happy and I will be satisfied with everything.
When you are among the leaves, and the stars shine on you, do not doubt for a moment that I am one of them. Who looks at you from heaven, who follows you on your path, as an eternal pact to always be with you. And if you feel like you are dying, that things are not working, don't give up and move on, because love can do everything..
Al hemistiquio de sus palabras de corte clasicas, se dispuso a mostrar su silueta como figura heraldica. Con tanto honor, que parecia caballerezca su posicion animal. Y comenzoce a declarar: Soy diamante, Soy Diamante. Desgarrando su transplante de corazon lleno de amor, consumiendole el dolor que ocultaba por orgullo, escuchandose el murmullo de sus lagrimas internas y temblandole las piernas no admitio el amarle tanto. Que tristeza cedio a este caso, pues YO era en la pareja y estos versos son la queja que, pretendo, ella lea. Para ver si la marea nos acerca al mismo puerto, con los labios siempre prestos a cortarlos con sus dientes y besarle suavemente hasta ser su mismo cuerpo..
These great ideas came into our lives like an eternal pandemic, making everything easier for us..
The applications that give life to our virtual weather. You cannot talk about the Internet without these important applications. I am pleased to present you a small fragment of these wonders of the internet..